
Everyone had such a great time at last year’s Mom Prom, we’re doing it again! 妈妈舞会已经准备好了 6月24日,星期六,晚上6点到9点.m. 在祝福 & 巴克斯利湖畔的格蕾丝.  

这是一个充满乐趣的夜晚 21岁及以上的女士(不仅仅是妈妈)!) 打扮起来跳舞! 由万博买球世界杯基金会主办, this event is your chance to have a special night out with friends while helping our rural health system. You can wear your old prom dress, go thrifting, or splurge on a new one! 万博买球世界杯会得到D.J., photo booth, hors d’oeuvres, and even a Mom Prom Queen and court. 将提供各种各样的啤酒和葡萄酒.

Tickets are $60 each and can be purchased from any 基金会 board member:

佩吉·迈尔斯@ WBYZ,丽莎·库森
Lainey King @应用康复
Lawanna Walker @ Pineland Bank
辛迪Tomberlin @ Rentz Communications

网上购票请访问: Eventbrite上的妈妈舞会门票

查看脸谱网活动页面 妈妈舞会2023.

